Takes the hand, touches the heart, stretches the mind.
boy boy Glenullin Building Primary School Garvagh Building

School Uniform

The school uniform helps our children to bond and encourages a sense of belonging to St. Patrick’s and St. Joseph’s P.S.

Our uniform consists of a green sweatshirt with the school logo, a white polo shirt and either a black skirt or black trousers. During the third term the girls may wear a green and white checked dress which are currently available to buy from Tesco and Sainsbury’s supermarkets. Girls can if they wish wear a neat pair of shorts under their skirt during physical activities. The school sweatshirt is now supplied by Tesco, for more details please contact the school secretary. It is extremely important that every item of your child’s clothing and any coats, are clearly labelled with their name. Names on clothing makes life easier for the children and the staff and we encourage all parents to clearly and permanently label every item of clothing that the child will bring to school, including coats and schoolbags.

We ask all children to wear trainer footwear to help us ensure the health and safety of all pupils. For younger children trainers with Velcro are strongly recommended. If your child’s trainers have laces please double knot them before they come to school. Children who, for whatever reason, do not have trainers on when the teacher is planning a physical activity will not be permitted to take part in the activity to ensure their own safety and that of the other children. It is also strongly recommended that long hair is tied back especially during P.E.

Children are discouraged from wearing jewellery to school on the grounds of safety. If children’s ears are pierced then they should wear stud earrings only.

The school actively promotes and encourages the wearing of uniform and ask for your help and support by ensuring that your child is always in uniform.