St Patrick's & St Joseph's
Takes the hand, stretches the mind, touches the heart
St Patrick's & St Joseph's Schools

Measles, chickenpox and shingles awareness

6 Dec 2016


Measles, chickenpox and shingles


The Macmillan nurses have asked for your co-operation in an important matter.

One of our pupils has received medical treatment for cancer which puts them at risk if they are exposed to measles, chicken pox or shingles.


Please let us know immediately if your child is suspected of having measles.

Our pupil is also at risk from chicken pox and would need to be given an injection within three days of contact. If your child is suspected of having chicken pox you should let us know immediately.


It is also important that you let us know if there is shingles in your household.

Your child is not at any risk whatsoever from this situation.  However, the health and well-being of our pupil who is at risk, does depend on the co-operation of all other parents and we hope you can help us.


Yours sincerely





Aidan Rafferty



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