St Patrick's & St Joseph's
Takes the hand, stretches the mind, touches the heart
St Patrick's & St Joseph's Schools

Irish of the Month for January

5 Jan 2017

rish Expression for the Month

Happy New Year

Athbhliain faoi mhaise duit

(Ah-vlain fwee washa ditch)


Cad é mar atá an aimsir inniu?  :  Ca jay mar ata an amshir in you? : What's the weather like today?

Tá sé fuar : Ta shay fooir  : It is cold

Tá sé te : Ta shay che : It is hot

Tá sé ag cur fearthainne : Ta shay ag cur farthina : It is raining

Tá sé ag cur sneachta : Ta shay ag cur snachta : It is snowing

Tá sé gaofar : Ta shay geefar : It is windy


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